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  123. H. Ammari, E. Bossy, J. Garnier, and L. Seppecher, Acousto-electromagnetic tomography (pdf), SIAM J. Appl. Math., Vol. 70, pp. 1592-1617 (2012).
  124. M. V. de Hoop, J. Garnier, and K. Solna, Enhanced and specular backscattering in random media (pdf), Waves Random Complex Media, Vol. 22, pp. 505-530 (2012).
  125. H. Ammari, T. Boulier, and J. Garnier, Modeling active electrolocation in weakly electric fish (pdf), SIAM J. Imaging Sci., Vol. 5, pp. 285-321 (2013).
  126. H. Ammari, E. Bossy, J. Garnier, W. Jing, and L. Seppecher, Radiative transfer and diffusion limits for wave field correlations in locally shifted random media (pdf), J. Math. Phys., Vol. 54, 021501 (2013).
  127. F. D. Philippe, C. Prada, M. Fink, J. Garnier, and J. de Rosny, Analysis of the time reversal operator for a scatterer undergoing small displacements (pdf), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 133, pp. 94-107 (2013).
  128. J. Garnier, G. Papanicolaou, and T.-W. Yang, Large deviations for a mean field model of systemic risk (pdf), SIAM Math. Finance, Vol. 4, pp. 151-184 (2013).
  129. B. Barviau, J. Garnier, G. Xu, B. Kibler, G. Millot, and A. Picozzi, Truncated thermalization of incoherent optical waves through supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fibers (pdf), Phys. Rev. A, Vol. 87, 035803 (2013).
  130. H. Ammari, J. Garnier, W. Jing, and L. H. Nguyen, Quantitative thermo-acoustic imaging: An exact reconstruction formula (pdf), J. Differential Equations, Vol. 254, pp. 1375-1395 (2013).
  131. J. Garnier and J. Ko, Multi-element stochastic spectral projection for high quantile estimation (pdf), J. Comput. Phys., Vol. 243, pp. 87-108 (2013).
  132. J. Garnier and K. Solna, A multiscale approach to synthetic aperture radar in dispersive random media (pdf), Inverse Problems, Vol. 29, 054006 (2013).
  133. H. Ammari, J. Garnier, and K. Solna, Resolution and stability analysis in full-aperture, linearized conductivity and wave imaging (pdf), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 141, pp. 3431-3446 (2013).
  134. H. Ammari, E. Bretin, J. Garnier, and A. Wahab, Time reversal in viscoelastic media (pdf), European Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 24, pp. 565-600 (2013).
  135. H. Ammari, J. Garnier, and W. Jing, Passive array correlation-based imaging in a random waveguide (pdf), SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul. Vol. 11, pp. 656-681 (2013).
  136. H. Ammari, T. Boulier, J. Garnier, H. Kang, and H. Wang, Tracking of a mobile target using Generalized Polarization Tensors (pdf), SIAM J. Imaging Sciences, Vol. 6, pp. 1477-1498 (2013).
  137. H. Ammari, J. Garnier, L. H. Nguyen, and L. Seppecher, Reconstruction of a piecewise smooth absorption coefficient by an acousto-optic process (pdf), Comm. Part. Differ. Equat., Vol. 38, pp. 1737-1762 (2013).
  138. G. Xu, J. Garnier, S. Trillo, and A. Picozzi, Spectral dynamics of incoherent waves with a noninstantaneous nonlinear response (pdf), Opt. Lett., Vol. 38, pp. 2972-2975 (2013).
  139. J. Garnier, G. Papanicolaou, A. Semin, and C. Tsogka, Signal-to-noise ratio estimation in passive correlation-based imaging (pdf), SIAM J. Imaging Sciences, Vol. 6, pp. 1092-1110 (2013).
  140. H. Ammari, J. Garnier, and K. Solna, Partial data resolving power of conductivity imaging from boundary measurements (pdf), SIAM Math. Anal., Vol. 45, pp. 1704-1722 (2013).
  141. M. V. de Hoop, J. Garnier, S. F. Holman, and K. Solna, Retrieval of a Green’s function with reflections from partly coherent waves generated by a wave packet using cross correlations (pdf), SIAM J. Appl. Math., Vol. 73, pp. 493-522 (2013).
  142. J. Garnier, G. Xu, S. Trillo, and A. Picozzi, Dispersive shocks in the spectral evolution of incoherent waves (pdf), Supplementary material (pdf), Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 111, 113902 (2013).
  143. H. Ammari, E. Bretin, J. Garnier, W. Jing, H. Kang, and A. Wahab, Localization, stability, and resolution of topological derivative based imaging functionals in elasticity (pdf), SIAM J. Imaging Sciences, Vol. 6, pp. 2174-2212 (2013).
  144. J. Garnier, G. Papanicolaou, and T.-W. Yang, Anomalous shock displacement probabilities for a perturbed scalar conservation law (pdf), SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., Vol. 11, pp. 1000-1032 (2013).
  145. F. Bachoc, G. Bois, J. Garnier, and J.-M. Martinez, Calibration and improved prediction of computer models by universal Kriging (pdf), Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 76, pp. 81-97 (2014).
  146. G. Xu, J. Garnier, and A. Picozzi, Spectral long-range interaction of temporal incoherent solitons (pdf), Opt. Lett., Vol. 39, pp. 590-593 (2014).
  147. H. Ammari, J. Garnier, H. Kang, M. Lim, and S. Yu, Generalized polarization tensors for shape description (pdf), Numer. Math., Vol. 126, pp. 199-224 (2014).
  148. H. Ammari, T. Boulier, J. Garnier, W. Jing, H. Kang, and H. Wang, Target identification using dictionary matching of generalized polarization tensors, (pdf), Found. Comput. Math., Vol. 14, pp. 27-62 (2014).
  149. H. Ammari, J. Garnier, and L. Giovangigli, Mathematical modeling of fluorescence diffuse optical imaging of cell membrane potential changes, (pdf), Q. Appl. Math., Vol. 72, pp. 137-176 (2014).
  150. H. Ammari, J. Garnier, and P. Millien, Backpropagation imaging in nonlinear harmonic holography in the presence of measurement and medium noises, (pdf), SIAM J. Imaging Sciences, Vol. 7, pp. 239-276 (2014).
  151. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Scintillation in the white-noise paraxial regime (pdf), Comm. Part. Differ. Equat., Vol. 39, pp. 626-650 (2014).
  152. H. Ammari, J. Chen, Z. Chen, J. Garnier, and D. Volkov, Target detection and characterization from electromagnetic induction data (pdf), J. Math. Pures Appl., Vol. 101, pp. 54-75 (2014).
  153. J. Garnier and G. Papanicolaou, Role of scattering in virtual source array imaging (pdf), SIAM J. Imaging Sciences, Vol. 7, pp. 1210-1236 (2014).
  154. G. Xu, J. Garnier, M. Conforti, and A. Picozzi, Generalized description of spectral incoherent solitons (pdf), Opt. Lett., Vol. 39, pp. 4192-4195 (2014).
  155. G. Xu, J. Garnier, S. Trillo, and A. Picozzi, Impact of self-steepening on incoherent dispersive spectral shocks and collapse-like spectral singularities (pdf), Phys. Rev. A, Vol. 90, 013828 (2014).
  156. H. Ammari, J. Garnier, J. de Rosny, and K. Solna, Medium induced resolution enhancement for broadband imaging (pdf), Inverse Problems, Vol. 30, 085006 (2014).
  157. H. Ammari, T. Boulier, J. Garnier, and H. Wang, Shape recognition and classification in electro-sensing (pdf), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 111, pp. 11652-11657 (2014).
  158. H. Ammari, E. Bossy, J. Garnier, L. H. Nguyen, and L. Seppecher, A reconstruction algorithm for ultrasound-modulated diffuse optical tomography (pdf), Proc. AMS, Vol. 142, pp. 3221-3236 (2014).
  159. A. Picozzi, J. Garnier, T. Hansson, P. Suret, S. Randoux, G. Millot, and D. N. Christodoulides, Optical wave turbulence: Toward a unified nonequilibrium thermodynamic formulation of statistical nonlinear optics (pdf), Phys. Rep., Vol. 542, pp. 1–132 (2014).
  160. L. Le Gratiet and J. Garnier, Recursive co-kriging model for Design of Computer experiments with multiple levels of fidelity (pdf), Int. J. Uncertainty Quantification, Vol. 4, pp. 365–386 (2014).
  161. J. Garnier and G. Papanicolaou, Resolution enhancement from scattering in passive sensor imaging with cross correlations (pdf), Inverse Problems and Imaging, Vol. 8, pp. 645-683 (2014).
  162. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Wave backscattering by point scatterers in the random paraxial regime (pdf), SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., Vol. 12, pp. 1309-1334 (2014).
  163. L. Borcea and J. Garnier, Paraxial coupling of propagating modes in three-dimensional waveguides with random boundaries (pdf), SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., Vol. 12, pp. 832-878 (2014).
  164. J. Garnier and M. Fink, Super-resolution in time-reversal focusing on a moving source (pdf), Wave Motion, Vol. 53, pp. 80-93 (2015).
  165. J. Garnier, G. Papanicolaou, A. Semin, and C. Tsogka, Signal-to-noise ratio analysis in virtual source array imaging (pdf), SIAM J. Imaging Sciences, Vol. 8, pp. 248-279 (2015).
  166. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Transmission and reflection of electromagnetic waves in randomly layered media (pdf), Commun. Math. Sci., Vol. 13, pp. 707-728 (2015).
  167. L. Le Gratiet and J. Garnier, Asymptotic analysis of the learning curve for Gaussian process regression (pdf), Journal of Machine Learning, Vol. 98, pp. 407-433 (2015).
  168. H. Ammari, J. Garnier, and V. Jugnon, Detection, reconstruction, and characterization algorithms in wave sensor imaging (pdf), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series S, Vol. 8, pp. 389-417 (2015).
  169. L. Borcea, J. Garnier, and C. Tsogka, A quantitative study of source imaging in random waveguides (pdf), Commun. Math. Sci., Vol. 13, pp. 749-776 (2015).
  170. G. Xu, D. Vocke, D. Faccio, J. Garnier, T. Roger, S. Trillo, and A. Picozzi, From coherent shocklets to giant collective incoherent shock waves in nonlocal turbulent flows (pdf), Supplementary material (pdf), Nature Communications, Vol. 6, 8131 (2015).
  171. J. Garnier and K. Solna, On effective attenuation in multiscale composite media (pdf), Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol. 25, pp. 482-505 (2015).
  172. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Paraxial approximation for a general random hyperbolic system (pdf), SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., Vol. 13, pp. 1022-1060 (2015).
  173. J. Garnier and G. Papanicolaou, Passive synthetic aperture imaging (pdf), SIAM J. Imaging Sciences, Vol. 8, pp. 2683–2705 (2015).
  174. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Fourth-moment analysis for beam propagation in the white-noise paraxial regime (pdf), Archive on Rational Mechanics and Analysis, Vol. 220, pp. 37–81 (2016).
  175. L. Borcea and J. Garnier, Derivation of a one-way radiative transfer equation in random media (pdf), Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 93, 022115 (2016).
  176. H. Ammari, J. Garnier, L. Giovangigli, W. Jing, and J. K. Seo, Spectroscopic imaging of a dilute cell suspension (pdf), J. Math. Pures Appl., Vol. 105, pp. 603-661 (2016).
  177. L. Borcea and J. Garnier, Polarization effects for electromagnetic wave propagation in random media (pdf), Wave Motion, Vol. 63, pp. 179-208 (2016).
  178. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Apparent attenuation of shear waves propagating through a randomly stratified anisotropic medium (pdf), Stochastics and Dynamics, Vol. 16, 1650009 (2016).
  179. J. Garnier, Ghost imaging in the random paraxial regime (pdf), Inverse Problems and Imaging, Vol. 10, pp. 409-342 (2016).
  180. E. Daskalakis, C. Evangelidis, J. Garnier, N. Melis, G. Papanicolaou, and C. Tsogka, Robust seismic velocity change estimation using ambient noise recordings (pdf), Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 205, pp. 1926-1936 (2016).
  181. G. Xu, J. Garnier, D. Faccio, S. Trillo, and A. Picozzi, Incoherent shock waves in long-range optical turbulence (pdf), Physica D, Vol. 333, pp. 310-322 (2016).
  182. G. Xu, J. Garnier, A. Mussot, S. Trillo, D. Churkin, N. Tarasov, S. Turitsyn, and A. Picozzi, Weak Langmuir optical turbulence in a fiber cavity (pdf), Phys. Rev. A, Vol. 94, 013823 (2016).
  183. J. Garnier, Passive synthetic aperture imaging with limited noise sources (pdf), Inverse Problems, Vol. 32, 095008 (2016).
  184. L. Borcea and J. Garnier, Robust imaging with electromagnetic waves in noisy environments (pdf), Inverse Problems, Vol. 32, 105010 (2016).
  185. A. Fusaro, J. Garnier, C. Michel, G. Xu, J. Fatome, L. G. Wright, F. W. Wise, and A. Picozzi, Decoupled polarization dynamics of incoherent waves and bimodal spectral incoherent solitons (pdf), Optics Letters, Vol. 41, pp. 3992-3995 (2016).
  186. J. Garnier, G. Papanicolaou, and T.-W. Yang, Consensus convergence with stochastic effects (pdf), Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 45, pp. 51-75 (2017).
  187. M. Gilles, P.-Y. Bony, J. Garnier, A. Picozzi, M. Guasoni, and J. Fatome, Universal polarization domain walls in optical fibres as topological bit-entities for data transmission (pdf), Nature Photonics, Vol. 11, pp. 102–107 (2017).
  188. H. Ammari, T. Boulier, J. Garnier, and H. Wang, Mathematical modelling of the electric sense of fish: the role of multi-frequency measurements and movement (pdf), Bioinspir. Biomim., Vol. 12, 025002 (2017).
  189. M. Guasoni, J. Garnier, B. Rump, D. Sugny, J. Fatome, F. Amrani, G. Millot, and A. Picozzi, Incoherent Fermi-Pasta-Ulam recurrences mediated by strong phase correlations (pdf), Phys. Rev. X, Vol. 7, 011025 (2017).
  190. P.-D. Letourneau, Y. Wu, G. Papanicolaou, J. Garnier, and E. Darve, A numerical study of super-resolution through fast 3D wideband algorithm for scattering in highly-heterogeneous media (pdf), Wave Motion, Vol. 70, pp. 113-134 (2017).
  191. J. Garnier, G. Papanicolaou, and T.-W. Yang, A risk analysis for a system stabilized by a central agent (pdf), Risk and Decision Analysis, Vol. 6, pp. 97-120 (2017).
  192. L. Borcea, J. Garnier, G. Papanicolaou, K. Solna, and C. Tsogka, Resolution analysis of passive synthetic aperture imaging of fast moving objects (pdf), SIAM J. Imaging Sciences, Vol. 10, pp. 665-710 (2017).
  193. G. Perrin, C. Soize, S. Marque-Pucheu, and J. Garnier, Nested polynomial trends for the improvement of Gaussian process-based predictors (pdf), J. Comput. Phys., Vol. 346, pp. 389-402 (2017).
  194. A. Fusaro, J. Garnier, G. Xu, C. Conti, D. Faccio, S. Trillo, and A. Picozzi, Emergence of long-range phase coherence in nonlocal fluids of light (pdf), Phys. Rev. A, Vol. 95, 063818 (2017).
  195. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Correction to Black-Scholes formula due to fractional stochastic volatility (pdf), SIAM Math. Finance, Vol. 8, pp. 560-588 (2017).
  196. G. Xu, J. Garnier, B. Rumpf, A. Fusaro, P. Suret, S. Randoux, A. Kudlinski, G. Millot, and A. Picozzi, Origins of spectral broadening of incoherent waves: Catastrophic process of coherence degradation (pdf), Phys. Rev. A, Vol. 96, 023817 (2017).
  197. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Focusing waves through a randomly scattering medium in the white-noise paraxial regime (pdf), SIAM J. Appl. Math., Vol. 77, pp. 500-519 (2017).
  198. L. Borcea and J. Garnier, Pulse reflection in a random waveguide with a turning point (pdf), SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., Vol. 15, pp. 1472-1501 (2017).
  199. M. Fink and J. Garnier, Ambient noise correlation-based imaging with moving sensors (pdf), Inverse Problems and Imaging, Vol. 11, pp. 477-500 (2017).
  200. L. Borcea, J. Garnier, and D. Wood, Transport of power in random waveguides with turning points (pdf), Commun. Math. Sci., Vol. 15, pp. 2327-2371 (2017).
  201. J. Fournier, J. Garnier, G. Papanicolaou, and C. Tsogka, Matched-filter and correlation-based imaging for fast moving objects using a sparse network of receivers (pdf), SIAM J. Imaging Sci., Vol. 10, pp. 2165-2216 (2017).
  202. M. V. de Hoop, J. Garnier, and K. Solna, Global acoustic daylight imaging for a stratified Earth-like model (pdf), Inverse Problems, Vol. 34, 015005 (2018).
  203. N. Santic, S. Salem, J. Garnier, A. Fusaro, A. Picozzi, and R. Kaiser, Non-equilibrium precondensation of classical waves in two dimensions propagating through atomic vapors (pdf, supplementary material), Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 120, 055301 (2018).
  204. L. Borcea and J. Garnier, Laser beam imaging from the speckle pattern of the off-axis scattered intensity (pdf), SIAM J. Appl. Math., Vol. 78, pp. 677-704 (2018).
  205. M. Dupré, M. Fink, J. Garnier, and G. Lerosey, Layer potential approach for fast eigenvalue characterization of the Helmholtz equation with mixed boundary conditions (pdf), Comp. Appl. Math., Vol. 37, pp. 4675-4685 (2018).
  206. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Imaging through a scattering medium by speckle intensity correlations (pdf), Inverse Problems, Vol. 34, 094003 (2018).
  207. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Option pricing under fast-varying and rough stochastic volatility (pdf), Annals of Finance, Vol. 14, pp. 489–516 (2018).
  208. G. Xu, A. Fusaro, J. Garnier, and A. Picozzi, Incoherent shock and collapse singularities in non-instantaneous nonlinear media (pdf), Appl. Sci., Vol. 8, 2559 (2018).
  209. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Non-invasive imaging through random media (pdf), SIAM J. Appl. Math., Vol. 78, pp. 3296-3315 (2018).
  210. L. Borcea and J. Garnier, A ghost imaging modality in a random waveguide (pdf), Inverse Problems, Vol. 34, 124007 (2018).
  211. J. Garnier, G. Papanicolaou, and T.-W. Yang, Mean field model for collective motion bistability (pdf), Discrete and Continuum Dynamical Systems Series B, Vol. 24, pp. 851-879 (2019).
  212. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Option pricing under fast-varying long-memory stochastic volatility (pdf), Math. Finance, Vol. 29, pp. 39-83 (2019).
  213. L. Borcea, J. Garnier, and K. Solna, Wave propagation and imaging in moving random media (pdf), SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., Vol. 17, pp. 31-67 (2019).
  214. A. Fusaro, J. Garnier, K. Krupa, G. Millot, and A. Picozzi, Dramatic acceleration of wave condensation mediated by disorder in multimode fibers (pdf), Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 122, 123902 (2019).
  215. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Emergence of turbulent epochs in oil prices (pdf), Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol. 122, pp. 281-292 (2019).
  216. S. Marque-Pucheu, G. Perrin, and J. Garnier, Efficient sequential experimental design for surrogate modeling of nested codes (pdf), ESAIM PS, Vol. 23, pp. 245-270 (2019).
  217. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Chaos and order in the bitcoin market (pdf), Physica A, Vol. 524, pp. 708-721 (2019).
  218. H. Chraibi, A. Dutfoy, T. Galtier, and J. Garnier, Application of the interacting particle system method to piecewise deterministic Markov processes used in reliability (pdf), Chaos, Vol. 29, 063119 (2019).
  219. L. Dumaz, J. Garnier, and G. Lepoultier, Acoustic and geoacoustic inverse problems in randomly perturbed shallow-water environments (pdf), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 146, pp. 458-469 (2019).
  220. J. Garnier, A. Fusaro, K. Baudin, C. Michel, K. Krupa, G. Millot, and A. Picozzi, Wave condensation with disorder versus beam self-cleaning in multimode fibers (pdf), Phys. Rev. A, Vol. 100, 053835 (2019).
  221. H. Chraibi, A. Dutfoy, T. Galtier, and J. Garnier, Optimal importance process for piecewise deterministic Markov process (pdf), ESAIM P&S, Vol. 23, pp. 893-921 (2019).
  222. L. Borcea, J. Garnier, and K. Solna, Sound propagation in a weakly turbulent flow in a waveguide (pdf), SIAM J. Appl. Math., Vol. 79, pp. 2663-2687 (2019).
  223. M. Fink and J. Garnier, How a moving passive observer can perceive its environment ? The Unruh effect revisited (pdf), Wave Motion, Vol. 93, 102462 (2020).
  224. L. Borcea and J. Garnier, Wave propagation in randomly perturbed weakly coupled waveguides (pdf), SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., Vol. 18, pp. 44-78 (2020).
  225. L. Borcea and J. Garnier, High-Resolution Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Imaging in scattering media (pdf), SIAM J. Imaging Sciences, Vol. 13, pp. 291-316 (2020).
  226. L. Borcea, J. Garnier, and K. Solna, Multimode communication through the turbulent atmosphere (pdf), J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Vol. 37, pp. 720-730 (2020).
  227. R. Sainct, C. Féau, J.-M. Martinez, and J. Garnier, Efficient seismic fragility curve estimation by Active Learning on Support Vector Machines (pdf), Structural Safety, Vol. 86, 101972 (2020).
  228. J. Garnier, E. Gay, and E. Savin, Multiscale analysis of spectral broadening of acoustic waves by a turbulent shear layer (pdf), SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., Vol. 18, pp. 798-823 (2020).
  229. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Implied volatility structure in turbulent and long-memory markets (pdf), Front. Appl. Math. Stat., Vol. 6, 10 (2020).
  230. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Optimal hedging under fast-varying stochastic volatility (pdf), SIAM Math. Finance, Vol. 11, pp. 274-320 (2020).
  231. J. Garnier, Intensity fluctuations in random waveguides (pdf), Commun. Math. Sci., Vol. 18, pp. 947-971 (2020).
  232. S. Marque-Pucheu, G. Perrin, and J. Garnier, An efficient dimension reduction technique for the Gaussian process emulation of two nested codes with functional outputs (pdf), Computational Statistics, Vol. 35, pp. 1059-1099 (2020).
  233. G.-K. Delipei, J. Garnier, J.-C. Le Pallec, and B. Normand, High to Low pellet cladding gap heat transfer modeling methodology in an uncertainty quantification framework for a PWR REA with Best Estimate coupling (pdf), EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol., Vol. 6, 56 (2020).
  234. J. Garnier, Low-frequency source imaging in a waveguide (pdf), Inverse Problems, Vol. 36, 115004 (2020).
  235. K. Baudin, A. Fusaro, K. Krupa, J. Garnier, S. Rica, G. Millot, and A. Picozzi, Classical Rayleigh-Jeans condensation of light waves: Observation and thermodynamic characterization (pdf), Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 125, 244101 (2020).
  236. E. Gay, L. Bonnet, C. Peyret, E. Savin, and J. Garnier, Coherent interferometric imaging in a random flow (pdf), Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 494, 115852 (2021).
  237. L. Borcea, J. Garnier, and K. Solna, Onset of energy equipartition among surface and body waves (pdf), Proc. R. Soc. A, Vol. 477, 20200775 (2021).
  238. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Enhanced backscattering of a partially coherent field from an anisotropic random lossy medium (pdf), Discrete and Continuum Dynamical Systems Series B, Vol. 26, pp. 1171–1195 (2021).
  239. J. Garnier, Passive communication with ambient noise (pdf), SIAM J. Appl. Math., Vol. 81, pp. 814-833 (2021).
  240. K. Baudin, A. Fusaro, J. Garnier, N. Berti, K. Krupa, I. Carusotto, S. Rica, G. Millot, and A. Picozzi, Energy and power flows underlying Rayleigh-Jeans thermalization of optical waves propagating in a multimode fiber (pdf), EPL (Europhysics Letters), Vol. 134, 14001 (2021).
  241. H. Chraibi, A. Dutfoy, T. Galtier, and J. Garnier, Optimal input potential functions in the interacting particle system method (pdf), Monte Carlo Methods Appl., Vol. 27, pp. 137–152 (2021).
  242. J. Garnier, K. Baudin, A. Fusaro, and A. Picozzi, Coherent soliton states hidden in phase-space and stabilized by gravitational incoherent structures (article pdf, supplementary material pdf), Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 127, 014101 (2021).
  243. P. Azam, A. Fusaro, Q. Fontaine, J. Garnier, A. Bramati, A. Picozzi, R. Kaiser, Q. Glorieux, and T. Bienaimé, Dissipation-enhanced collapse singularity of a nonlocal fluid of light in a hot atomic vapor (pdf), Phys. Rev. A, Vol. 104, 013515 (2021).
  244. J. Garnier, Wave propagation in periodic and random time-dependent media (pdf), SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., Vol. 19, pp. 1190-1211 (2021).
  245. J. Garnier, K. Baudin, A. Fusaro, and A. Picozzi, Incoherent localized structure and hidden coherent solitons from the gravitational instability of the Schroedinger-Poisson equation (pdf), Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 104, 054205 (2021).
  246. L. Borcea and J. Garnier, Imaging in random media by two-point coherent interferometry (pdf), SIAM J. Imaging Sci., Vol. 14, pp. 1635–1668 (2021).
  247. L. Borcea, J. Garnier, A. V. Mamonov, and J. Zimmerling, Reduced order model approach for imaging with waves (pdf), Inverse Problems, Vol. 38, 025004 (2022).
  248. J. Garnier and L. Mertz, A control variate method driven by diffusion approximation (pdf, supplementary material pdf), Comm. Pure Appl. Math., Vol. 75, pp. 455–492 (2022).
  249. K. Baudin, J. Garnier, A. Fusaro, N. Berti, G. Millot, and A. Picozzi, Weak Langmuir turbulence in disordered multimode optical fibers (pdf), Phys. Rev. A, Vol. 105, 013528 (2022).
  250. A. Cousin, J. Garnier, M. Guiton, and M. Munoz-Zuniga, A two-step procedure for time-dependent reliability-based design optimization involving piece-wise stationary Gaussian processes (pdf), Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 65, 120 (2022).
  251. J. Garnier and P. Roux, Modal formulation and paraxial approximation for acoustic wave propagation in waveguides with surface perturbations (pdf), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 151, pp. 3239–3254 (2022).
  252. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Scintillation of partially coherent light in time varying complex media (pdf), J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., Vol 39, pp. 1309–1322 (2022).
  253. M. V. de Hoop, J. Garnier, and K. Solna, System of radiative transfer equations for coupled surface and body waves (pdf), Z. Angew. Math. Phys., Vol. 73, 177 (2022).
  254. G. Xu, J. Garnier, A. Fusaro, and A. Picozzi, Background-enhanced collapse instability of optical speckle beams in nonlocal nonlinear media (pdf), Phys. D, Vol. 434, 133230 (2022).
  255. N. Berti, K. Baudin, A. Fusaro, A. Picozzi, and J. Garnier, Interplay of thermalization and strong disorder: Wave turbulence theory, numerical simulations, and experiments in multimode optical fibers (pdf, supplementary material pdf), Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 129, 063901 (2022).
  256. N. Acharki, A. Bertoncello, and J. Garnier, Robust prediction intervals estimation for Gaussian Processes by Cross-Validation method (pdf), Comput. Stat. Data Anal., Vol. 178, 107597 (2023).
  257. K. Baudin, J. Garnier, A. Fusaro, N. Berti, C. Michel, K. Krupa, G. Millot, and A. Picozzi, Observation of light thermalization to negative-temperature Rayleigh-Jeans equilibrium states in multimode optical fibers (pdf), Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 130, 063801 (2023).
  258. L. Borcea, J. Garnier, A. V. Mamonov, and J. Zimmerling, Waveform inversion with a data driven estimate of the internal wave (pdf), SIAM J. Imaging Sci., Vol. 16, pp. 280–312 (2023).
  259. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Speckle memory effect in the frequency domain and stability in time-reversal experiments (pdf), SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., Vol. 21, pp. 80–118 (2023).
  260. L. Borcea, J. Garnier, and K. Solna, Paraxial wave propagation in random media with long-range correlations (pdf), SIAM J. Appl. Math., Vol. 83, pp. 25–51 (2023).
  261. L. Borcea, J. Garnier, A. V. Mamonov, and J. Zimmerling, Waveform inversion via reduced order modeling (pdf), Geophysics, Vol. 8, pp. R175–R191 (2023).
  262. P. Lartaud, P. Humbert, and J. Garnier, Multi-output Gaussian processes for inverse uncertainty quantification in neutron noise analysis (pdf), Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 197, pp. 1928-1951 (2023).
  263. J. Garnier, Z. Lu, and L. Mertz, A piecewise deterministic Markov process based model for dry friction subjected to pure jump noise (pdf), SIAM J. Appl. Math., Vol. 83, pp. 1392-1421 (2023).
  264. K. Baudin, J. Garnier, A. Fusaro, C. Michel, G. Millot, and A. Picozzi, Rayleigh-Jeans thermalization vs beam cleaning in multimode optical fibers (pdf), Opt. Commun., Vol. 545, 129716 (2023).
  265. J. Garnier, H. Haddar, and H. Montanelli, The linear sampling method for random sources (pdf), SIAM J. Imaging Sciences, Vol. 16, 1572-1593 (2023).
  266. J. Garnier and K. Solna, Fourth-order moments analysis for partially coherent electromagnetic beams in random media (pdf), Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol. 33, pp. 1346–1365 (2023).
  267. J. Garnier and L. Mertz, Computing the diffusivity of a particle subject to dry friction with colored noise (pdf), Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 108, 045309 (2023).
  268. M. Vandenboomgaerde, M. Casanova, F. Chaland, M. Bonnefille, A. Grisollet, L. Videau, S. Depierreux, V. Tassin, J.-P. Leidinger, C. Courtois, J. Garnier, and H. Chen, Stationary Bragg reflection of laser light in inhomogeneous absorbing plasmas inside inertial confinement fusion Hohlraums (pdf), Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 30, 122702 (2023).
  269. J. Garnier, Wave propagation in random media: Beyond Gaussian statistics (pdf), ESAIM Proc., Vol. 74, pp. 63–89 (2023).
  270. B. Kerleguer, C. Cannamela, and J. Garnier, A Bayesian neural network approach to multi-fidelity surrogate modelling (pdf), Int. J. Uncertainty Quantification, Vol. 14, pp. 43-60 (2024).
  271. M. de Hoop, J. Garnier, and K. Solna, Three-dimensional random wave coupling along a boundary and an associated inverse problem (pdf), SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., Vol. 2, pp. 39–65 (2024).
  272. C. Gauchy, C. Feau, and J. Garnier, Uncertainty quantification and global sensitivity analysis of seismic fragility curves using kriging (pdf), Int. J. Uncertainty Quantification, Vol. 14, pp. 39–63 (2024).
  273. M. V. de Hoop, J. Garnier, A. Iantchenko, and J. Ricaud, Inverse problem for Love waves in a layered, elastic half-space (pdf), Inverse Problems, Vol. 40, 045013 (2024).
  274. A. Niclas and J. Garnier, Automated approach for source location in shallow waters (pdf), J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 155, pp. 2347–2358 (2024).
  275. G. Chennetier, H. Chraibi, A. Dutfoy, and J. Garnier, Adaptive importance sampling based on fault tree analysis for piecewise deterministic Markov process (pdf), SIAM J. Uncertainty Quantification, Vol. 12, pp. 128–156 (2024).
  276. A. Van Biesbroeck, C. Gauchy, C. Feau, and J. Garnier, Reference prior for Bayesian estimation of seismic fragility curves (pdf), Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 76, 103622 (2024).